Huamao Spirit
    Colorful Huamao
    Strategy policy
    Manage ment

Huamao organizes colorful cultural activities to improve the quality of the staff comprehensively.

   Through long-term construction and cultivation, Huamao has formed characteristic enterprise culture system, which is centralized in four words—strict, orderly, diligent, modest, and four disciplines---safety discipline, quality discipline, labor discipline and organization discipline. “Chengfeng Cup” contest and “spiritual civilization construction assessment” are also involved in the enterprise culture system. In the following days, we will constantly add new content and endow new carrier to that system to infuse momentum to the stable development of the enterprise.

   Huamao Group Co., Ltd. insists on taking improving the whole quality of the staff and promoting the enterprise’s development as an important content of the enterprise culture construction. For many years, Huamao has insisted on holding regular activities of post training, continuing education and degree education of different levels, launching MBA training and choosing and sending some backbones to pursue further studies and training abroad. At same time, we often invite domestic related technical experts or scholars in economics, finance and securities to our company to hold lectures about new textile equipments, new textile technology, company management, capital running and WTO. In this way, we have stored a batch of talents for future use.

   Huamao attaches much importance to the moral education of the staff. Combining with important festival or celebrating activities, our company will hold various exhibitions, calligraphy exhibitions, subject lectures and multi-layer conversaziones to inspire the staff’s sense of honor and sense of pride, mobilize their enthusiasm and reinforce their centripetal force towards the enterprise.

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